POs PSOs and COs

                                  Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 

                                       Department of English


                              Programme Outcomes (POs)

               After completing B. A. degree programme, students will be able to:


 PO 1: Understand and follow human values. 

 PO 2: Contribute to National Development.

 PO 3: Be a responsible and dutiful citizen. 

 PO4: To develop  Global Competencies, employability, and the quest for excellence. 

PO5: Encourage innovation and creativity in fine arts and life. 

PO 6: Acquaint students with social, economic, and political facts and have Social Interaction. 

PO7: To respect the Indian culture of pluralism and mutual respect. 

PO8: Acquire basic skills of language (LSRW). 

 PO9:  To develop Effective Communication of the learners. 

PO10: Honor constitutional values-Freedom, equality, fraternity & social justice. 

Department of English

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)


PSO 1.

Acquainted with the forms of English literature, literary texts, authors, and English language.

PSO 2.

able to apply critical and theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis of English literary texts in multiple genres.

PSO 3.

To identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes of literary texts and understand the impact of literature.

PSO 4.

able to communicate in English and can write analytically in a variety of Formats - essays, reviews of literary texts, research papers and reflective writing.

PSO 5.

able to gather, understand, evaluate and synthesize information from Electronic and print media.

PSO 6.

able to interpret and compare human life and culture through his study of literary discourses

PSO 7.

A Globally competent and employable






Course Outcomes (COs)

·         B.A.I - Optional English- Students will be able to

·     Modern Indian Writing in English Translation( Paper No. I & II) CO l: Gain Knowledge of Literature and various literary forms.

CO 2: Gain knowledge of the development of Indian Short Stories and poems, Novel, Dark Comedy and their translations in English

CO 3: Understand the origin of Modern Indian English and Indian Short Story.

CO 4: Learns the elements of Short Story, Poem and Fiction their Narrative technique, setting, style & characterization.

CO 5: Acquaints with Short Story and Novel and literary devices and Elements of these literary Genres.

CO 6: Enhances reading skills and appreciate the texts in a critical and creative approach.

CO 7: Appreciates the unique styles of eminent writers from Indian English and Translation Studies

B. A. II - Optional English

·      Literature and Cinema (Paper No.- III &V)

CO1: Appreciate the film and its relationship to literature.

CO2: explain basic terms of literature and film.

CO 3: Describe theory of adaptation, its interpretation & transformation of literary texts into films.

 CO4: Review the film adaptations of literary text

CO 5: Analyze the issues and practices of cinematic adaptations

CO6: Comment on the films of - Hollywood and ‘Bollywood’

CO 7: Understand the message of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors and Chetan Bhagat’s Five Point Someone

Partition Literature (Paper No. IV& VI)

     CO1: Create an awareness of the partition scenario.

     CO2: Explain the hidden human dimensions of the partition.

     CO3: Elaborate on the impact of partition on society

     CO4: Analyze the situation of women before & after the partition.

     CO5: Explain the causes & effects of partition.

CO6: Write down about historical event of partition and communal conflicts aroused after it.

CO7: Identify the feelings of home and exile reflected in the stories.

CO8: Analyze the characters ‘experiences of partition.

CO9: Write about effects of partition on the characters in the short stories and novel


B.A.III : Special English:

·      Introduction to Literary Criticism (Paper No. VII & XII )

CO l: Explain the basics of Literary Criticism & literary and critical approaches

CO 2: Analyze major trends in literary criticism & critical concepts.

CO 3: Write a critical appreciation of poems.

CO 4: Comment on various literary and critical movements.

CO 5: Accentuate expression of thoughts and views for critical appreciation.

CO 6: Enhance presentation skills and creative writing.

·      English Poetry (Paper No.- VIII & XIII)

CO l: Recognize and define major poetic forms such as lyric poetry, narrative poetry.

CO2: Know and identify rhyme, rhythm and meter.

CO3: Understand and appreciate the literal and symbolic meaning (connotative and denotative meaning) of a poem.

CO4: Identify and analyze special stylistic features of poetry such as imagery, tone, and atmosphere, special linguistic and stylistic features & imagery.

CO5: To appreciate the romantic philosophy of emotion and sentiments expressed in a natural  manner.

CO 6: To inculcate a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity expressed in the works.

CO 7: To elucidate the changing trends in theme, style, values and conflicts in literary history of Poetry

·      English Drama (Paper No.– IX & XIV)

CO1: Describe drama as a genre of literature

CO2: Appreciate critically a play.

CO3: Classify different forms of drama

CO4: Comment on literary taste

B. A. I: Compulsory English

·      English for Communication: (Paper A )

CO1: Know the Concept of Communication

CO2: Familiar with the Communication skills.

CO3: Students will know how to develop vocabulary.

CO4: Read with comprehension the prose units and write answers based on it.

Cos 5: Write about definition and elements of drama.

 CO6: Analyze the characters in prescribed plays.

CO 7: Explain the plot development of a play.

CO8: Identify human values reflected in a play.

 CO9: Describe the themes in the play


·      English Novel (Paper No.–X & XV)

CO 1: Explain rise & development of the English novel.

CO2: Analyze and relate novels to their ideological or socio-political contexts.

CO3: Describe the various aspects & different forms of the novel.

CO5: Appreciate critically prescribed novels.

CO6: Analyze the characters in prescribed novels.

CO7: Describe the themes of prescribed novels and Identify human values reflected in novel.

CO8: Describe the elements of the novel.


Language And Linguistics (Paper No. –XI & XVI)

       CO1: Identify varieties of the English language.

       CO2: Differentiate Human and Animal communication systems

CO3. : Describe different levels of the study of language (Phonetic, syntactic and semantic)

CO4: Identify basic units of grammar

CO 5: Analyze structures and functions of words and phrases.

CO6: Identify clause elements, types of clauses and sentences.

CO 7: Describe different ways of structuring clauses

CO 8: Classify and use Basic and Derived Structures


B. A. I: Compulsory English

English for Communication: (Paper A )

CO1: Know the Concept of Communication

CO2: Familiar with the Communication skills.

CO3: Students will know how to develop vocabulary.

CO4: Read with comprehension the prose units and write answers based on it.

       CO5: Write about themes, figures of speech, images, vocabulary in the prescribed poems.

CO6: Identify human values reflected in prose and poetry units.

CO7: Narrate incident, event, procedure, and occasion.

CO8: introduce himself and others, write SMS, communicate using greetings in English.

·      English for Communication: (Paper B )

CO9: Acquire human values and develop cultured outlook

CO10: Learn to use English in oral and written Communication.

                         CO11: Learn to appreciate prose and poetry.

CO12: Prepare and write a set of instructions.

CO13: Make enquiry using questions, greetings, formal and informal expressions.

CO14: Describes a person, an object, a place, routine using related vocabulary.


B.A.II: Compulsory English

·      English for Communication (Paper C&D)

CO1: seek and write clearly in Standard English.

CO2: evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in scholarly texts.

CO 3: develop the quality of thinking and imagination

CO 4: Communicate effectively in day-to-day life.

CO5: Channelize the interest of the students and analytical reasoning.

CO6: Acquire essential employability skills

CO7: Cultivate broad, human and cultured outlook.


B. A. III: Compulsory English

English for Communication: (Paper E )

CO1: Communicate in English, in their day-to-day lives as well as at workplaces CO2: Face job interviews confidently and efficiently

CO3: Acquire soft skills required at workplaces and in real life CO4: Learn group behaviour and team work

CO5: Learn to value and respect others’ views and develop democratic attitude.

English for Communication (Paper F )

CO6: Face Competitive examinations confidently and efficiently with adequate linguistic competence

CO: Acquire professional skills required in media writing

CO7: Learn to appreciate and enjoy reading poetry and prose passages CO8: Acquire human values and develop cultured outlook


B.Com. I –Compulsory English

English for Business Communication (Paper –I )

 CO1: Know the concept of Business communication. CO2: Familiar with the business communication skills.

CO3: Acquire human values and developed cultured outlook. CO4: Learn to use English in oral and written communication CO5: Appreciate prose and poetry.

CO6: Form new word adding suffix and prefix. Identify form of the word. CO7: Describes a person, an object, a place, routine using related vocabulary. CO7: Narrate incident, event, procedure, and occasion.


English for Business Communication ( Paper- 1I)

CO8: Write letters of business correspondence.

CO9: Communicate on telephone using formal and informal greetings and expressions

CO10: Prepare a business report.

CO11: Prepare an advertisement using creative vocabulary. CO12: Write formal and informal e-mails.


B.Com. II – Compulsory English

English for Business Communication: (Paper –III)

CO1: Use English for sales and services

 CO2: Develop writing skills

CO3: Draft an individual and committee business report.

CO4: Present orally as well as in written format. Prepare PPT

CO5: Identify tense, idioms, phrases, active and passive voice.

CO6: Writes antonyms, synonyms, one word substitute.


English for Business Communication: (Paper –IV)

CO 7: Skill of summarizing

CO8: Use of English for banking Correspondence p CO9: Use of English for Commercial letter writing.

CO 10: Writes essay on a topic.

CO11: Identify sentence types. Transforms affirmative to negative


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