Sunday, February 9, 2025

'Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English'


Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English

English is a global language and therefore it is useful to connect to the world. Good speaking skills can open the door for many opportunities. To learn any language, there is need to think about listening, speaking, writing and reading. Today in the age of technology, there are various apps and websites which are helpful in the process of speaking English.

Some useful apps and websites:

1)      FluentU – By using this app, we can learn English through videos.

2)      ELSA – AI- It is helpful to improve accent.

3)      Duolingo- It is very famous app among youth because of its game oriented approach.

4)      TED – We can use this app to talk about our passions, feelings, videos with subtitles.

5)      Bassu – We can connect with native speakers to improve English.

6)       British Council – It is helpful to focus on Business English.

7)      B.B.C. – It is very famous website which provides English learning courses on grammar.

8)      Coursera- There are many courses to improve English.

9)      You Tube- We can learn many things in speaking English with engaging content.

10)  Clapingo- We can study with wide range topics.

11)  Chat Gpt- We can ask Chat Gpt different things and our mistakes will be shown and improved.

There are other websites like Google Translate, Hello talk, Realife, Rosetta Stone, Cambly etc which are helpful in the process of speaking English language. By taking help of these various apps and websites, we can learn to speak English .We can also watch Web Series like ‘Friends’, watch Films,  listen Podcasts and Stand up Comedies.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A One Day Workshop on "Career Opportunities after Graduation"



A One Day Workshop on “Career Opportunities after Graduation”

A One Day Workshop on “Career Opportunities after Graduation” was organized by Department of English on Monday, 3 February 2025 at 9:30 am at Department of English. The aim of this workshop was to guide our students about career after graduation. Two resource persons were invited to this workshop Mr. Anil Patil (an advisor, LIC Karad) and Mr. Sachin Shaha (a mutual fund advisor). Prof. (Dr.) Satish R. Ghatge was a president of  the workshop. Other faculty of the department was present there.

Mr. Ratnakar Koli, HOD gave introductory speech and Smt. Madhuri Bhatkar introduced a resource person of the first session. In the first session, Mr. Anil Patil informs our students about the career opportunities in insurance sector and a procedure to enter in this sector. He explains how an income source in insurance sector is helpful for livelihood of college students. Mr. Abhijeet Dalavi extended vote of thanks.

In the second session, Mr. introduced the resource person. Mr. Sachin Shaha, a mutual fund adviser informed the students about stock market and explains a massive contribution of mutual fund industry in investment. He highlights income source as a mutual fund adviser. Smt. Madhuri Bhatkar extended vote of thanks.

In his presidential speech, Prin. Prof. (Dr.) Satish Ghatge highlighted  changing nature of job opportunities  as a progress in science and technology and need of find unconventional job opportunities. Mr. Abhijeet Dalavi extended vote of thanks of this workshop. Smt. Priyanka Madane did compeering.


Ratnakar B. Koli                                                         Prof. (Dr.) Satish R. Ghatge


Monday, March 11, 2024

International Women's Day Caption Competition 2024


Dept of English organizes Women's Day Caption Competition 2024 on the occasion of International Women's Day on 11th March 2024 in the department of English.

Chief Guest Mrs Farzana Iqbal 

President Prof.Dr. Satish Ghatge

Monday, March 4, 2024


 Prof. T. M. Attar has been awarded Ph.D in English.

Title of her Ph.D Thesis - ' The Novels of Amitav Ghosh: A Study in Ecoconsciousness'  under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sunil Sawant.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Birthday Wishes in Russian to Hon. Principal Dr. Abhay Kumar Salunkhe Saheb


English translation of greetings in Russian

Hello everyone.

Today is the birthday of the president of this Institute Dr. Abhaykumar Salunkhe sir. Let's wish him a very happy birthday. I wish him happiness, good health and a long life. On this occasion we have taken initiative for the activity called ‘‘Dnyanshidori” where we are giving books to all the students so that they could read more and cultivate a habit of reading. I thank the principal of this college for providing me an opportunity to interact with the students on the topic of ‘‘Career opportunities in Translation and Foreign Languages’. I also thank all the listeners, teachers and my friends who are present here. I am glad that you invited me here. I once again wish Dr. Abhaykumar Salunkhe sir a happy birthday. Thank you so much you all.

'Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English'

  Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English English is a global language and therefore it is useful to connect to the world. ...