Wednesday, November 30, 2022



B.A. III Compulsory English

All the students from BA Part III are hereby informed that the presentations of seminar for English Compulsory will be held on Wednesday, 07/12/2022 and Thursday, 08/12/2022. Kindly, attend it along with your written seminar according to the schedule of the seminar issued by Examinations and Evaluation Committee:


Time Table


Day & Date


Roll No


Wednesday, 07/12/2022

10:30 am – 12:45pm

601- 650

  Thursday, 08/12/2022

8:00 am – 10:15 am

651- 700

10:30 am – 12:45 pm

701- 758

Roll No 601-650: Select one topic from 1-7
Roll No 651-700: Select one topic from 8-14
Roll No 701-758: Select one topic from 15-21

Roll No. 601-650

1. Interview Skills
2. Discuss tenses with their types.
3. Discuss “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry
4. Analyse the theme of partition in “I SHALL RETURN TO THIS 
BENGAL” by Jibananda Das
5. Dr Kalam’s great vision of India
6. Examine essay writing and its types.
7. The Orphan Girl’s life in the world

Roll No. 651- 700

8. Active Voice and Passive Voice
9. Friendship and loyalty in “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry
10. Discuss the importance of letter writing along with its types.
11.Partition of India and its problems. (“I SHALL RETURN TO THIS 
BENGAL” by Jibananda Das)
12.Discuss the life of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
13.Combination of sentences and Punctuation
14.Preparation for Interview and Facing the Interview

Roll No. 701-758

15.Analyse the short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
16.Precis Writing
17.V.V. John’s observations on the interview process
18.Give your opinion to the poem “I SHALL RETURN TO THIS BENGAL” 
by Jibananda Das.
19.Use of Phrases
20.Analyse SONG OF YOUTH by Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
21.Analyse a poem, The Orphan Girl.


Omkar thombare said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Thank you

Unknown said...


Jaydeep mahapure said...

Thanks you

Unknown said...

Thank you

Sanket Vinayak Gurav said...

Thank you

Tejas vishnu chavan said...

Thank you sir

Vinayak adhikrao suryawanshi said...

Thank you sir.... Nice information

Minakshi Mali said...

Thank you

Jitesh Madhukar Kamble said...

Thank u sir for this information.

Harshad subhash Patil said...

Thank you sir

Pawar Ashwini Umesh said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Thank you

Momin Sufiyana Nisar said...

Thank you

Adinath Mahadev vanjari said...

Thank you

Abhishek gaikwad said...

Thank u

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you

Asif nadaf said...

Thank you

Rutwik Rajaram Dhapare said...

Thank you

Pawar omkar shubhash said...

Nice information thank you

Anand Nilkanth Bhosale said...

thank you so much

Abhishek gaikwad said...

Thank you

Abhishek gaikwad said...

Thank u

Abhishek gaikwad said...

Thank u

Kishor jamadade said...

Thank you

Vijay Umape said...

Thank you

Farzana kudchikar said...

Thank you

प्रियांका कांबळे said...

I am very thankful to English department for this information.It helped us a lot

Smita nanaso patil said...

Thank you

Kedar Rakesh Waydande said...

Thank you

Jayashri ramesh mane said...

Useful information... Thanks

Aniket Suresh Sawant said...


Abhishek Anandrao Mane said...

Thank you

Kishor khabale said...

Thank you

Vaibhav Chandrakant Sonnur said...

Thank you

Shubham Patil said...

Thank u

Pravin jamdade said...

Thank you

Ashwini Sawant said...

Thank you🙏

Prathmesh kumbhar said...

Thank you

Aniket ranbhare said...


Amol Sunil Patil said...

Tank you

Akshay salunkhe said...


Adarsh thorat said...


Prithviraj nigade said...



Thank you

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Thank you

Rahul yadav said...

Thank you

Dipak Yadav said...

Thanks you

Unknown said...

Thank you

Ajinkya dhone said...

Thank you

Akshay shivaji pawar said...

Thank you


Thank you

Unknown said...


Tanmay Nikalje said...


Unknown said...

Thank You

Sambhaji patil said...


Unknown said...

Thank you

'Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English'

  Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English English is a global language and therefore it is useful to connect to the world. ...