Wednesday, November 23, 2022

World of Words

Phrasal Verbs

Take after 

Meaning: To have similar character or personality to a family member ( घरातील ज्येष्ठ व्यक्ती सारखे गुण असणेकिंवा दिसणे)

Example: He takes after his mother.

Take apart

Meaning: Separate something into its parts( एखादा भाग वेगळा करणे)

Example: I took the radio apart to find out what was wrong.

Take away 

Meaning: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it (जप्त करणे)

Example: The teacher took my mobile phone away until the end of the lesson.

Take away from (काढून घेणे)

Meaning: Make something seem not so good or interesting

Example: Even the rain couldn’t take away from the excitement of the match.

Take back

Meaning: Retract an earlier statement (शब्द मागे घेणे)

Example: No, you are not fat; I take it all back.

Take down

Meaning: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed (खाली घेणे)

Example: He took down the picture and replaced it with the framed photograph.

Take for

Meaning: Regard as (विचारात घेणे)

Example: Does he take me for a fool?

Take in

Meaning: Receive (goods) into one’s home for the purpose of processing for a fee (आसरा देणेशोषून घेणे)

Example: In hard times, some women would take in washing and others dressmaking repairs.

Take off

Meaning: To remove something, usually clothing or accessories ( अंगातील कपडे काढणे)

Example: It was hot so I took my jacket off.

Take on

Meaning: Acquire, bring in, or introduce (उचलणेहाती घेणे)

Example: The ship took on cargo in Norfolk yesterday.

Take out

Meaning: Remove (बाहेर काढणे)

Example: Please take out the trash before the whole house starts to smell.

Take over

Meaning: Adopt a responsibility or duty from someone else (दुसऱ्याची जबाबदारी स्वतःकडे घेणे)

Example: He will take over the job permanently when the accountant retires.

Take to

Meaning: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master ( शिकणेपारंगत होणे)

Example: She took to swimming like a fish.

Take up

Meaning: Pick up (सुरू होणे/करणेहाती घेणे)

Example: The reel automatically took up the slack.

Collected by Ashwini Sawant, BAIII, Dept of English

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