Wednesday, November 30, 2022



B.A. III Compulsory English

All the students from BA Part III are hereby informed that the presentations of seminar for English Compulsory will be held on Wednesday, 07/12/2022 and Thursday, 08/12/2022. Kindly, attend it along with your written seminar according to the schedule of the seminar issued by Examinations and Evaluation Committee:


Time Table


Day & Date


Roll No


Wednesday, 07/12/2022

10:30 am – 12:45pm

601- 650

  Thursday, 08/12/2022

8:00 am – 10:15 am

651- 700

10:30 am – 12:45 pm

701- 758

Roll No 601-650: Select one topic from 1-7
Roll No 651-700: Select one topic from 8-14
Roll No 701-758: Select one topic from 15-21

Roll No. 601-650

1. Interview Skills
2. Discuss tenses with their types.
3. Discuss “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry
4. Analyse the theme of partition in “I SHALL RETURN TO THIS 
BENGAL” by Jibananda Das
5. Dr Kalam’s great vision of India
6. Examine essay writing and its types.
7. The Orphan Girl’s life in the world

Roll No. 651- 700

8. Active Voice and Passive Voice
9. Friendship and loyalty in “After Twenty Years” by O. Henry
10. Discuss the importance of letter writing along with its types.
11.Partition of India and its problems. (“I SHALL RETURN TO THIS 
BENGAL” by Jibananda Das)
12.Discuss the life of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
13.Combination of sentences and Punctuation
14.Preparation for Interview and Facing the Interview

Roll No. 701-758

15.Analyse the short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
16.Precis Writing
17.V.V. John’s observations on the interview process
18.Give your opinion to the poem “I SHALL RETURN TO THIS BENGAL” 
by Jibananda Das.
19.Use of Phrases
20.Analyse SONG OF YOUTH by Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
21.Analyse a poem, The Orphan Girl.

Literary Fames

 Death Anniversary of Oscar Wilde, the author of Importance of Being Ernest

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Literary Fames

Birth Anniversary of Mark Twain 

English Carnival Inauguration

Dear all,

Your most awaited English Carnival is inaugurated by Hon. I/C Principal Dr. Mahesh Gaikwad. The Exhibition of grammar and literary models will open for visitors. Kindly come, enjoy and learn. We will be pleased to see your presence at the Exhibition. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022


Dear Students,

You all are invited for this amazing exhibition of the language and literary models at Department of English. Come all. While having fun at the English Carnival learn the basics of English language and Literature.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Literary Fames

The Booker Prize (1997) Winner Indian Author Arundhati Roy

World of Words

Phrasal Verbs

Take after 

Meaning: To have similar character or personality to a family member ( घरातील ज्येष्ठ व्यक्ती सारखे गुण असणेकिंवा दिसणे)

Example: He takes after his mother.

Take apart

Meaning: Separate something into its parts( एखादा भाग वेगळा करणे)

Example: I took the radio apart to find out what was wrong.

Take away 

Meaning: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it (जप्त करणे)

Example: The teacher took my mobile phone away until the end of the lesson.

Take away from (काढून घेणे)

Meaning: Make something seem not so good or interesting

Example: Even the rain couldn’t take away from the excitement of the match.

Take back

Meaning: Retract an earlier statement (शब्द मागे घेणे)

Example: No, you are not fat; I take it all back.

Take down

Meaning: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed (खाली घेणे)

Example: He took down the picture and replaced it with the framed photograph.

Take for

Meaning: Regard as (विचारात घेणे)

Example: Does he take me for a fool?

Take in

Meaning: Receive (goods) into one’s home for the purpose of processing for a fee (आसरा देणेशोषून घेणे)

Example: In hard times, some women would take in washing and others dressmaking repairs.

Take off

Meaning: To remove something, usually clothing or accessories ( अंगातील कपडे काढणे)

Example: It was hot so I took my jacket off.

Take on

Meaning: Acquire, bring in, or introduce (उचलणेहाती घेणे)

Example: The ship took on cargo in Norfolk yesterday.

Take out

Meaning: Remove (बाहेर काढणे)

Example: Please take out the trash before the whole house starts to smell.

Take over

Meaning: Adopt a responsibility or duty from someone else (दुसऱ्याची जबाबदारी स्वतःकडे घेणे)

Example: He will take over the job permanently when the accountant retires.

Take to

Meaning: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master ( शिकणेपारंगत होणे)

Example: She took to swimming like a fish.

Take up

Meaning: Pick up (सुरू होणे/करणेहाती घेणे)

Example: The reel automatically took up the slack.

Collected by Ashwini Sawant, BAIII, Dept of English

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Date of Commencement of OCT/NOV Exam 2022

ऑक्टो / नोव्हें २०२२ च्या हिवाळी सत्रातील परीक्षांच्या प्रारंभ तारखा

Monday, November 21, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Literary Fames

Leo Tolstoy Death Anniversary

World of Words

 One Word Substitute

HYMN - A religious song that Christians sing together in church etc.

मराठीत अर्थ - ख्रिश्चनधर्मीय चर्चमध्ये सामुदायिक रीतीने ती धार्मिक प्रार्थना.

IDOL - A person who is admired or loved.                         

मराठीत अर्थ - लोकादर व लोकप्रेम लाभलेली व्यक्तीलाडकागळ्यातला ताईतदैवतकंठमणी.                        

ILLEGIBLE - Difficult or impossible to read.                      

मराठीत अर्थ - वाचायला कठीण /अशक्यसुवाच्च नसलेले.            

INCREDIBLE - Impossible or very difficult to believe.         

मराठीत अर्थ - अशक्यविश्वास ठेवण्यास अवघड अशा कोटीतले अविश्वसनीयखात्रीशीर न वाटणारा.       

INFLAMMABLE – Something that burns easily                                    

मराठीत अर्थ - सहजपणे पेट घेणारा ज्वालाग्राहीभडका उडणारा.                

ICONOCLAST - A person who does not believe in and is opposed to accepted ideas, traditions etc.                   

मराठीत अर्थ - रूढीपरंपरा विरोधी.        

MATRIMONY - The state of being married.                            

मराठीत अर्थ - विवाहित जीवनविवाहित असण्याची स्थितीपाणिग्रहण.                                          

PATRIARCHY - A social system that gives power and control to men rather than women.                          

मराठीत अर्थ - स्त्रियांएवजी पुरुषांना सत्तानियंत्रण देणारी समाजव्यवस्थापुरुषप्रधानतापितृसत्ताक पद्धत. 

FLORA - All the plants growing in a particular area.         

मराठीत अर्थ - विशिष्ट भूप्रदेशात वाढणाऱ्या सर्व वनस्पतीवनस्पतिजातवनस्पती-सृष्टी.               

DEMOCRACY - A system in which the government of a country is elected by the people.                                             

मराठीत अर्थ - एखाद्या देशाचे शासन हे लोकांना निवडून दिलेले असते अशी अवस्था लोकशाही शासनलोकशाही यंत्रणा.

(Collected by Swati Patole, B. A. III, English)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

World of Words


एकाच उच्चाराचे पण भिन्न अर्थाचे व स्पेलिंगचे शब्द

Accept (ॲक्सेप्ट) स्विकारणे- to receive  
Except (एक्सेप्ट)
 वगळणे- Exclude

Addition (ॲडिशन) भर घालणे- Something that is added  

Edition (एडिशन) प्रकाशन-One in a series of printed material 

Piece (पिस) तुकडा-A part of something  

Peace (पिस) शांतता-A state of calm and well-being

Hole (होल) छिद्र- An empty place or opening  

Whole (व्होल) संपूर्ण- Complete/entire

Heard (हर्ड) ऐकणे- past tense of hear  

Herd (हर्ड) प्राण्यांचा कळप- Group of animals

Desert (डेझर्ट) वाळवंट- Dry land 

Dessert (डिझर्ट) जेवणानंतर खाल्ले जाणारे गोड Sweet eaten after a meal 

Complement (कॉम्प्लिमेंट) पूर्ण करणे-To complete or make better 

Compliment (कॉम्प्लिमेंट) स्तुती करणे- Praise 

Right (राईट) बरोबर-In accordance with justice, law or morality 

Write (राईट) लिहिणे-Act of writing

Coarse (कॉस) जाडाभरडा- Rough 

Course (कोर्स) दिशा दाखवणे 

Advice (अडव्हाइस) सल्ला-An opinion offered as a guide  

Advise (अडव्हाइझ) सल्ला देणे-The action of offering opinion

                                                                    (Collected by Nilesh Bansode, B. A. III, Hindi)

Friday, November 11, 2022

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Life and Poetry of John Keats

On February 23rd, 1821, John Keats, a well-known romantic poet, but then detested by his literary critics, died from tuberculosis.

“If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all.”

On February 23rd, 1821, exactly two hundred years ago, John Keats, a well-known romantic poet, but then detested by his literary critics, died from tuberculosis. This 23rd February marks his death bi-centenary. During his lifetime, the critics did not appreciate his work, but the next century drew inspiration from his poetry and letters. The early Indian writing in English too was greatly inspired by his work. Poets like Henry Derozio and Toru Dutta among others could be the best examples.

His style of writing was distinctively his own. It hardly resembled any of his predecessors, but it had greatly influenced the Victorian poets. Lord Alfred Tennyson was the most notable poet who was greatly influenced by Keats.

In his writings, all the qualities of the old are smartly, decoratively restrained and poised which ultimately resulted in the most striking and lovely of all English poetic styles. He chooses different topics than the fellow poets of his time.

It can fairly be said that ‘Ode’ was his favorite poetic form. Ode is like a lyric, but a longer one, of Greek origin, a serious and dignified composition. Ode is often in the form of an address. His notable odes are ‘Ode on Melancholy’, ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, ‘Ode to Psyche’ and ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn.’ The subject matters of these poems are sublime in tone and style. The themes and treatment are dignified. John Keats was serious in the selection of his themes and was at the peak of his poetic imagination.

His subtle view about the imagination must be seen in the light of the Romantic age that he lived in. He writes, “My Imagination is a Monastery and I am its Monk.” Unlike Coleridge, the imagination was a kind of fancy to him.

The phrase ‘rich to die’ can linger upon our lips. In an essay, FR Leavis stresses the significance of the phrase. Leavis opines, “it moves outwards and upwards towards life as strongly as it moves downwards towards extinction.” Allow me to quote the complete ‘run-on-line’.

“Darkling I listen; and, for many a time 

I have been half in love with easeful Death, 

Call’d him soft names in many a mused rhyme, 

To take into the air my quiet breath; 

Now more than ever seems it rich to die, 

To cease upon the midnight with no pain, 

While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad 

In such an ecstasy!”

The word ‘death’ is, as a name, capitalised and a little more personified. The way he addresses ‘death’ is quite interesting. These poetic words, if we minutely look at, such as ‘easeful death’, ‘quiet breath’, ‘rich to die’ and ‘to cease...with no pain’ highlight his varied interplay of emotions. The death, many fears, can be the greatest pain, but he himself was ‘half’ in love with easeful death. The other words also mark his desire for death ‘with no pain.’ As many would wish to die in sleep.

John Keats was intensely fond of death. In other words, he was immensely fascinated by death or the mortal things around him. In his poetic work and letters, one can easily find that for him, death was a soulful entity for which his heart fell. In ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, his love for the deadly escape from life can be seen. The escape from the mortal sins and earthly sorrows.

The poem ‘On Death’ beautifully presents an interplay between life and death. The interrogative opening ‘can death be sleep, when life is but dream…’ builds a woeful scene. And one might wonder ‘the greatest pain is to die,’ but the next few lines set a different tone.

The word ‘Quarantine’ is quite famous these days. At the suggestion of doctors, in 1821, John Keats moved to Italy. Sadly, he was also quarantined in Naples for 10 days. This quarantine defeated the motive he moved to Italy for.

His epitaph bitterly reads “here lies one whose name was writ in Water”. He had asked his friends to have these words engraved on his grave. Today, this epitaph might sound beautiful. Unfortunately, of Keats, the epitaph then manifested his sorrow. In his lifetime, the literary critics censured him badly. It is that bitterness he wanted it to be engraved. Nothing can be written in water, but Keats’ name! His poetic glory is eternal. His poetry stands still as ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’.

(Written by Snehal Warekar, previously published in Indie Journal)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Come! Be a part of English Carnival!

 Hello everyone, 

We think we might still be missing a few students in this interesting activity of Model Preparation. Those who have jumped in already are enjoying the preparation and making memories for the life time. So, the others yet to participate, should come forward and dive right in! 

Students preparing models with the guidance of the faculty.

'Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English'

  Utilizing Various Apps and Websites for Spoken English English is a global language and therefore it is useful to connect to the world. ...